A Dare County, North Carolina USA aerial photography mission in spring 2004 collected color-infrared photographs with a spatial resolution of 7.5 inches per pixel [34]. The digitized photographs were orthorectified and used to develop an orthophoto mosaic for use as a base layer during vegetation community mapping. Using the orthophoto mosaic, stereo blockfile, a digital elevation model, surface hydrology data, and a digital soil survey, polygons representing distinct vegetation communities were delineated into fourteen association level communities of the USNVC within the fire perimeter (Fig. 1). The USNVC is an ecosystem-based classification scheme in which vegetation communities are grouped by their characteristic physiognomy and floristic composition [35]. To differentiate vegetation types on the orthophoto mosaic and stereo analyst block files, seven photogrammetric interpretation attributes were used: size, shape, shadow, color, texture, pattern, and association with other objects [36]. The heads-up stereo photography allowed differentiation of vegetation communities with differing dominant tree heights, canopy shapes, and canopy closure, the critical strata used to discriminate between USNVC Associations [37]. Soil series, above mean sea level elevation, and hydrologic soil groups were used to further inform the vegetation classification.
Stereo Analyst For Arcgis 10.2 L
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