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Cast Under an Alien Sun (Destiny's Crucible Book 1) mobi bestseller: A must-read for fans of science


2 What if you were thrown into a foreign society, never to see home again? What would you do and could you survive?joe Colsco boarded a flight from San Francisco to Chicago to attend a national chemistry meeting. He would never set foot on Earth again. On planet Anyar, Joe is found unconscious on a beach of a large island inhabited by humans where the level of technology is similar to Earth circa He awakes amidst strangers speaking an unintelligible language, and struggles to accept losing his previous life and finding a place in a society with different customs, needing a way to support himself, and not knowing a single soul. His worry about finding a place is assuaged when he finds ways to apply his knowledge of chemistryâ as long as he is circumspect in introducing new knowledge not too far in advance of the planetâ s technology and being labelled a he adjusts, Joe finds that he has be dropped into a developing clash between the people who cared for him, and for whom he develops an affinity, and a military power from elsewhere on the planet, a power with designs on conquest. Unaware, Joseph Colsco has been poured into a crucible, where time and trials will transform him in ways he could never have imagined. File Size: 1805 KB Print Length: 365 pages Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited Publisher: Olan Thorensen; 1 edition (July 9, 2016) Publication Date: July 9, 2016 Sold by:â Digital Services LLC Language: English ASIN: B01I8DTAKQ Text-to-Speech: Enabled X-Ray: Not Enabled Word Wise: Enabled Lending: Not Enabled Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled Best Sellers Rank: #2,868 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #41 inâ Books > Literature & Fiction > Action & Adventure > War & Military #42 inâ Kindle Store > Kindle ebooks > Literature & Fiction > Action & Adventure > War & Military #48 inâ Kindle Store > Kindle ebooks

3 > Science Fiction & Fantasy > Science Fiction > Colonization Remember that first day you picked up 1632 by Eric Flint? Or read Safehold book 1 by David Weber Or The General, Raj Whitehall, by S.M. Stirling?Damn right. This book is on par with those. You get one guy, with an enhanced memory, NO Battlecomputer, NO Superbody and one world just BARELY into the 1700's = an AWESOME telling of a man out of place but willing to make the best of it. Even if he isn't a super if you're looking to get a fix, since Eric, David or S.M. are kind of busy still writing their books. Give this one a read. You will NOT be Thorenson did his research, did his homework and the science is 'sound' for a book. Reasonable for the setting. The villains are just as articulate as the hero. NO black and white here, just a lot of grey and white hat, if you count the hero.i say this again: Sir, you write. I will read book 3. (Yes, I finished book 2 and came back in time to review book 1) Yes Book 2 was also pretty damn good too. A book with a colorful and attractive cover will immediately catch a reader's attention, and the blurb is as seducing as well. But its what's inside the book that will be a source of delight and entertainment to many readers. A story about a man who is thrust into an unfamiliar world and with no hopes of ever seeing home again becomes intriguing. Joe Colsco is about to attend a Chemistry event in Chicago, but his plane never lands at his destination. Awakened on a foreign soil, he has to adjust, become creative and ingenious in his efforts to survive in an alternate planate where ways of life are different. But that isn't all: he'll have to fight, alongside others, a power that could invade his new community and make them all slaves. Is he well prepared for the task?cast Under an Alien Sun by Olan Thorensen is a stunning opening into the Destinys Crucible series. It is a well-crafted story that leaves the reader with enough questions to have him or her looking forward to the next book in the series. I loved the well-developed characters and the originality of the concept. The story is fairly fast and gripping. Olan Thorensen is a writer that sci-fi fans should pay attention to. A good entertainer! I really like Cast Under an Alien Sun by Olan Thorensen. I read it in one day. Not to give spoilers but it had plot elements similar to one of my favorite books Lord Kalvan of Otherwen by H. Beam Piper (to me a great complement) with his own twist. At little disjointed for me when he changed point of view and the timeline, but a worthy effort. Want to read the next book!

Cast Under an Alien Sun (Destiny's Crucible Book 1) mobi download book

4 Do great men make great times, or great times make great men, when an ordinary man is cast out of time and space into an alien, but human world the splash may be small at first but rising from the initial little waves is a tsunami that will change the face of his new world.can't wait for number three.character is solid, and evolvingsetting is large, and detailed, with comprehensible societies and believable nemesis.plot is fun and engaging; warning Not a lot of direct combat, more of a thinking mans novel. though there is some direct action. A thoroughly enjoyable story of a modern man with science skills displaced to a low-tech society. I enjoyed how the author has painted a believable setting, just familiar enough to be easy to connect with while being different, and how the characters come off as real people with some dimensions and depth rather than cookie-cutter stand-ins. Even the "bad" guys are realistic people rather than extras from central casting. If you have enjoyed L. Sprague decamp's "Lest Darkness Fall," or the Janissaries series by Jerry Pournelle, you'll enjoy this as well! A solid "castaway in a foreign land" adventure story with some SF elements. The main character is not an over-powered walking engine of destruction nor does he constantly possess overwhelming luck that constantly showers him with flowers and moonbeams. The author gave him a decent skill set and set him lose on a new world in a time of crisis to succeed or fail. It brings back fond memories of old classics like L. Sprague decamp's "Lest Darkness Fall" as an example.the only thing I found tiresome is that the author spends so much time on the home life and customs of the designated villains. This seems a modern novel fixation that you have to make imperialist, scumsucking, sadistic, slaveholding villains more three-dimensional by showing their home life. Why covering how the main enemy general is faithful and loving to his wife, only exporting cruelty and degradation to everyone else, improves the book escapes me. I didn't really expect to like this story. That being said once I got into it I really liked the idea. The book has some issues, mostly minor grammar and spelling problems but not enough to keep me from reading it. As an avid Sci-Fi fantasy reader this story was a different sort of animal. Since getting the book 6 day's ago I have read it twice. It took me a little bit of time to get used to some of the character names and spelling, as well as the terminology... example.. a week is referred to as a sixday. I immediately bought the 2nd in this series, and I am confident I will read the 3rd when it is released in November. I enjoyed this series and I would recommend it to you.

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